When you have dental misalignment, this could lead to poor oral health. But our team can offer treatment options like braces or Invisalign® to strengthen your uneven teeth. In addition, our team can help ensure better breathing at night for kids with our airway orthodontics. Here at Crosspointe Dental & Orthodontics in Mansfield, TX, we want to help your family smile with confidence!
Airway Orthodontics
While the other orthodontic systems we will discuss are primarily focused on correcting the position of the teeth, our airway orthodontics are designed to help improve how your children breathe at night. When kids have issues with the growth of the jaw or oral structures that limit breathing at night, this can leave them feeling moody and exhausted the next day, impacting their ability to perform in school and leading to more emotional outbursts and difficulty keeping up. If we find evidence of limited breathing at night, we can use custom airway orthodontics in the form of an oral appliance that is worn at night. This shifts the jaw and allows open airways, so uninterrupted breathing and a good night’s rest is possible!
Did you know we offer clear braces? Invisalign® uses a series of clear and custom aligners that are barely visible and help address minor cases of misalignment in as little as one year. You will wear a set from a series for about 20 to 22 hours a day over the course of two weeks. You then start wearing the next set in the series to continue the process and ensure optimal alignment. They can be removed before you eat and before you brush and floss too, so your daily routine is much easier.
Traditional Braces
If you have a more severe case of dental misalignment, then we may need more than aligners. Instead, we could use metal braces. Our team will attach metal brackets to the front of the teeth and connect a portion of an arch wire to them with a band. We then periodically adjust tension in the wire to shift the teeth into optimal position. This could take about two years on average, but we can offer a solution for more severe misalignment, so you can smile with confidence again.
If you have questions about airway orthodontics, or about Invisalign® or braces, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence!
Make an Appointment for Your Family at Crosspointe!
We want to help you enjoy better breathing and an even smile, so reach out to our team today. To find out more about our treatments or to schedule your initial consultation, please call our office at Crosspointe Dental & Orthodontics in Mansfield, TX, at (817) 592-8475 today!