Correct Your Uneven Smile With Invisalign®

When you have misalignment, you need orthodontics to enjoy an even and healthier smile. Our team is ready to help with a cosmetic alternative to traditional braces! Here at Crosspointe Dental & Orthodontics in Mansfield, TX, our team can offer cosmetic orthodontics in the form of Invisalign® aligners.

The Benefits of Treating Your Misalignment

When you have crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, treating it with misalignment can offer a healthier smile, better bite function, and of course, a more attractive appearance. Which is why you should consider seeing our team for orthodontic care! Otherwise, misalignment could make thorough brushing and flossing more difficult, and increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. For others, stress on the jaw joints could mean the onset of painful disorders like TMD and bruxism (teeth grinding). You could also feel uncomfortable with your smile’s appearance, which impacts your overall quality of life.

Creating Your Custom Orthodontics

While braces are effective at treating misalignment, when possible, we like to offer a cosmetic alternative. The Invisalign® process uses clear, plastic aligners instead of metal brackets and wires. Each set in the series is custom-made for your smile. To accomplish this, our team will take detailed digital images and measurements of your smile from multiple angles. We then combined them to create a 3D digital impression of your smile, which is used by experts in a lab setting to design and craft your new aligners!

The Invisalign® Process

When your custom aligners are ready, you can start treatment. To begin, you will wear the first set in the series for a period of about two weeks, 20 to 22 hours a day on average. Afterward, you begin wearing the next set on the series for the same amount of time, repeating this process as you work through the aligners and see your smile gradually and gently corrected. During treatment, you can even remove your aligners before meals, no need to change your diet. Being removable also means a much easier time brushing and flossing too! You can even take them out for special occasions, like job interviews, first dates, or big meetings.

If you have any questions about how our team will correct your misalignment with clear and comfortable Invisalign® aligners, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile without hesitation, and enjoy better oral health and bite function too.

Schedule Your Orthodontic Visit At Crosspointe!

With Invisalign®, we can provide a cosmetic way to improve the health and beauty of your smile. To find out more about us or to schedule your initial consultation, please call our office at Crosspointe Dental & Orthodontics in Mansfield, TX at (817) 592-8475 today!


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